Petra Feet header

Mi chiamo Petra e ho una passione irrefrenabile per i piedini femminili. Amo sentirmi desiderata, adoro essere al centro dell'attenzione e impazzisco all'idea di farti impazzire! ;)

Diventerò il tuo sogno proibito, la tua valvola di sfogo, la scappatella prima di andare a dormire, il più bel buongiorno mai ricevuto, la più dolce delle buonanotti...

Qui, potrai finalmente realizzare le fantasie più intime... condividere con me la tua più grande passione: I MIEI PIEDINI FATATI!

Wolford stockings! ;)

Hi! Do u want see what I bought???? ;) A Little gift for the stockings lovers! :D


This evening I wear this….. Wanna see?????? :D
Later….. maybe! ;)
Kiss, Petra.

Shooting day! Wanna see? ;)

Hi guys! Today, I made some new sets for u… Wanna see???





And… I made the custom video for Roberto! ;) FOOTJOB!



But don’t forget!!!! This is ONLY A PREVIEW!!! DON’T MISS THE COMPLETE SETS!
Kiss, Petra.

Merry xmas guys!

Hy guys! Merry xmas! Di you finish to Lunch? At my home the menu was:
-Tortelli in stock
-Mushroom pasta
I Only eat pasta and steak!  Santa Claus is been generous! He bring to me a great bubble bath and a GHD Hair straightener!
I’m going to remember you the meeting on THURSDAY 29 DECEMBER BAT 23,30 #CHATTACONME


Kiss, Petra.

I’m packaging the Stockings for TIMOTHY! ;)

Hi guys!
Have You seen the sets preview? I think so…. and I guess you really excited!
TODAY, I was busy with shipments and I packed the stockings FOR TIMOTHY!
Do you want to see how I deliver my smell????





That’s it! I’ll send you this sweet pack…. and a big kiss too!